Saturday, November 8, 2014

project 52: week 9

What is Project 52? It's a little like Project 365, but instead of the goal of posting a photo each day, I'll post a photo or two each week along with a short update. Really I just need a little push to post something every week. Since I like to keep this space positive, posting every week forces me to look back and find something shiny to talk about (ten points if you get that reference). Some weeks that's a piece of cake. Other weeks it's more of a challenge, and those weeks give this task true meaning.

Beautiful and cold Friday. There were no pictures on Thursday, because weather.
What's New?
I made it back from outdoor school in one piece. We had some pretty intense weather this trip. High winds, rain falling sideways, white caps on the lake, falling trees and branches in the forest, closed highway (due to falling trees). And then Friday, our departure day, was a cold but beautiful sunny day.

Currently Reading
Anne Rice has me in her spell again. I've pretty much abandoned my other reads (although I know I'll pick them up again later). There is something about the way she writes that just sucks me in completely.

  • The Witching Hour by Anne Rice
  • The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk
  • Rare Encounters with Ordinary Birds by Lyanda Lynn Haupt

On the Needles
I started and finished another Hurricane Hat while at outdoor school this week, using some of my leftover green Cascade 220. This one was another practice hat in anticipation of holiday knitting. I hope to find out colors and sizes soon for the little people in my life. Otherwise they'll get my best guess.

I also started some mason jar cozies. Some will be for me, and some for gifting. I think a mason jar, a cozy, and a cuppow would make a great gift.

Looking Forward To
  1. using up some of the eleventy-billion apples I have in storage (I'm thinking of apple pie filling, apple crisp, and maybe some more applesauce)


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