Saturday, November 22, 2014

project 52: week 11

What is Project 52? It's a little like Project 365, but instead of the goal of posting a photo each day, I'll post a photo or two each week along with a short update. Really I just need a little push to post something every week. Since I like to keep this space positive, posting every week forces me to look back and find something shiny to talk about (ten points if you get that reference). Some weeks that's a piece of cake. Other weeks it's more of a challenge, and those weeks give this task true meaning.

What's New?
This past week we geared up for student conferences at the same time we geared down for Thanksgiving break. It's an odd feeling - of being pulled and pushed at the same time. Saturday morning I arrived at school for conferences just as the sun was rising, but there were so many clouds it was hard to tell. I decided to walk around Green Lake since I was so early, and during my walk I was gradually able to see more as the light changed. There were large groups of mallards rooting around the grass, noisy crows in the trees, and more humans than I expected that early on a Saturday. I saw quite a few fisherman (including one who had just caught a fish), large groups of joggers that looked like they were part of a Meetup, and quite a few solitary walkers.

Currently Reading
Still working my way through Anne Rice's The Witching Hour, and still loving it.

On the Needles
I finished a hat for my niece! Now I only have three more to go. A coworker of mine gave me some yarn she no longer wanted (something about cleaning out her stash... probably a good thing for most knitters to do occasionally), and in those bags of yarn I've found excellent choices for hats. I may get away with knitting all four hats without a visit to the yarn store. Pretty frugal, environmental, and exciting if you ask me.

Looking Forward To
  1. holiday cooking & baking


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