Friday, March 22, 2013

science & sunshine

What's New?
This past week has been one of those weeks. A doozy. A week that thankfully went by quickly, but also wore me out. The highlight of my week was taking a group of girls to the Expanding Your Horizons conference at the local community college. It's so refreshing to see so many young girls excited about science and math. On top of that, it turned out to be a beautiful day, full of rare Seattle sunshine.

Speaking of weather...we've had such cold and inconsistent weather that I am nervous about planting my seedlings outside. They are growing quite well in their little newspaper pots, but some are getting a little leggy. I hope to take some photos of them this weekend, as I decide whether or not they are ready for the raised beds.

Currently Reading
  • I finished The American Way of Eating early this week. I was so impressed with the amount that I learned from that book, and I'm certain I will not think of food the same way again. I highly recommend this book.
  • I've picked up Pilgrim on the Great Bird Continent after setting it down for awhile, and I'm enjoying learning more than I ever have about Darwin's voyage, his strengths and weaknesses, and his transformation from a staunch creationist to the architect of the major foundation of modern biology.
On the Needles
Did I mention that this week has been a doozy? I don't think I've picked up my sweater once. I'm just where I left off at the end of last week: halfway through with the first sleeve. I'm on the homestretch, though, and should finish soon.

Looking Forward To:
  1. using my new EMP/Sci-Fi Museum membership
How's March treating you?


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