Friday, March 1, 2013

fresh start

What’s New?
Well, it's been nearly 4 months since I've posted anything on here, and it's time to get back in the saddle (so to speak). I've realized recently that I'd rather post meaningful things here to help myself document my life than waste time checking social network sites (that shall remain un-named, although you can probably guess). I'd like to quit social networking, but I'm not quite ready. I think that if I'm able to keep up regular posts on here, that will help ease my transition. Who knows? But I'm ready to give it a shot.

I've learned that I need to set realistic, yet smallish, goals for myself, and I need to tell others about them if I hope to accomplish them. So, dear internet, here is my goal for this space: an update of some sort once per week. It doesn't even have to be the same day of the week (although I imagine that might help). It might include pictures (I'd like it to), but that's not a requirement. I used to only post if I had interesting/pretty pictures to share. I haven't been taking many pictures lately (rainy, grey Seattle winter + go to work in the dark and get home in the dark), and I've used that as an excuse to not post anything at all.

Currently Reading
  • The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins (a "thinky" book)
  • Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers (a YA novel)
  • Pilgrim on the Great Bird Continent by Lyanda Lynn Haupt (local West Seattle author)

On the Needles
After finishing both my purple Shalom sweater and my grey Idlewood sweater I found myself with leftover yarn from both projects. Combined, it's enough for another sweater. I made both projects out of the same type of yarn (Cascade Soft Spun), in colors that are both considered "heathered" so I think they'll look nice together. I'm working on a striped Idlewood variation (smaller ribbed yoke, long sleeves) using roughly 4" stripes of each yarn.

Looking Forward To:
  1. starting seeds
  2. cooking for others
What are you working on right now?


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