Saturday, April 25, 2015

project 52: week 33

What is Project 52? It's a little like Project 365, but instead of the goal of posting a photo each day, I'll post a photo or two each week along with a short update. Really I just need a little push to post something every week. Since I like to keep this space positive, posting every week forces me to look back and find something shiny to talk about (ten points if you get that reference). Some weeks that's a piece of cake. Other weeks it's more of a challenge, and those weeks give this task true meaning.

Took my students to Green Lake for some bird watching to celebrate Earth Day.
The cat has discovered that she can reach the top shelf.
What's New?
The kids have spring fever, and apparently so do I. All I seem to be able to think about lately is sunshine, berries, and fossils. At this point there are only 35 more days of school. We have big things to accomplish (science fair!) but that doesn't seem to bother me as much as I think it should. I think that part of my relaxed attitude stems from the fact that this year I don't have to pack up my classroom to move. I've moved rooms three years in a row, consolidating and downsizing each time, and this year I get to stay. Of course next year I'll pack up again, as we move into our brand new building, but I think that move will be full of excitement which will hopefully overshadow the stress that always accompanies moves.

Currently Reading
  • A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
  • Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

On the Needles
I've worked on my newest honey cowl on and off a bit this week. Tomorrow is a knitting meetup, and I've yet to decide what I'm bringing. Possibly the honey cowl, but maybe my hue shift afghan. We'll see.

Looking Forward To
  1. a former coworker's book launch

Saturday, April 18, 2015

project 52: week 32

What is Project 52? It's a little like Project 365, but instead of the goal of posting a photo each day, I'll post a photo or two each week along with a short update. Really I just need a little push to post something every week. Since I like to keep this space positive, posting every week forces me to look back and find something shiny to talk about (ten points if you get that reference). Some weeks that's a piece of cake. Other weeks it's more of a challenge, and those weeks give this task true meaning.

Joe took me on a back-stage tour of the fossil work room - I'm so excited for this summer's DIG School!

What's New?
I've accomplished less than half of my to-do list for spring break. At first this bothered me greatly, but when I thought back to how I've spent my time, I realize that it was indeed quite full, yet relaxing.

:: finished knitting my geology shawl (washed + blocked!)
:: bought a scanner, which allowed me to clear out a ton of paper
:: filed my taxes
:: cleaned the house
:: made beef & bacon pie for Game of Thrones night
:: visited with friends
:: graded science fair edits
:: canned lemonade concentrate
:: cleaned out and organized our hall closet
:: started re-planning our summer road trip (MT & WY instead of CA: think DIG School + Yellowstone)

Currently Reading
I've been splitting my time between A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I've also just downloaded The Circle by Dave Eggers from the library. According to my Goodreads account, I've only read 14 books so far this year, which means this summer I'll have some catching up to do (and more time to read).

On the Needles
Since finishing my geology shawl, I've picked up some stash yarn and started another honey cowl. The yarn is leftover from my very first sweater, which I ruined the first time I washed it. It'll be so nice to get to wear something made from that yarn.

Looking Forward To

  1. sorting fossils
  2. weekly walk with Kristi

Saturday, April 11, 2015

project 52: week 31

What is Project 52? It's a little like Project 365, but instead of the goal of posting a photo each day, I'll post a photo or two each week along with a short update. Really I just need a little push to post something every week. Since I like to keep this space positive, posting every week forces me to look back and find something shiny to talk about (ten points if you get that reference). Some weeks that's a piece of cake. Other weeks it's more of a challenge, and those weeks give this task true meaning.

Spring Break!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

project 52: week 30

What is Project 52? It's a little like Project 365, but instead of the goal of posting a photo each day, I'll post a photo or two each week along with a short update. Really I just need a little push to post something every week. Since I like to keep this space positive, posting every week forces me to look back and find something shiny to talk about (ten points if you get that reference). Some weeks that's a piece of cake. Other weeks it's more of a challenge, and those weeks give this task true meaning.

What's New?
:: took my 6th graders to the Chihuly glass museum
:: passed my ProCert resubmission
:: checked out pretty much every middle-school appropriate genetics book from the library
:: taught evolution with no push-back
:: woke up to the sound of bird-song (welcome, Spring!)

Currently Reading
I decided to peruse the free classics books on my Kindle, and for reasons unknown, started reading Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson for the first time. I'm not sure what I expected exactly, but this book isn't exactly Pirates of the Caribbean. At least not so far.

On the Needles
Not much has happened in knitting-land lately.

Looking Forward To
  1. one more week of school, and then Spring Break!